The Painful Memories That Cause Trauma

Your trauma is like a living monster that lives inside you permanently. It feeds on your painful memories, draining you of your physical, emotional and mental energy. It makes you feel disturbed, vulnerable, terrified, empty and wasted before and after you have an intense trauma session.

This monster is quite powerful and lives inside you all the time. It is able to disrupt your core and you can feel its sharp teeth piercing you like an instrument that can tear you apart. It is especially painful in your heart which becomes the central point of your pain.

These painful memories become imprinted inside you. They represent the scenes of abuse, beating, molestation, brutality, humiliation, rejection, rape and other trauma that you have suffered in your life. Everything is recorded as a mental film in your memory bank.

You can play these films again and again in your consciousness and everything appears with clarity. This kind of trauma has big implications for your emotional and mental health.

See beat your trauma by the power of God.